Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween Inspiration!

So I forgot to post about my Halloween 'activities' from last week! Me and my flat mate decide to go all out and decorate are halls for the occasion! We also made cupcakes :)
It's great to see how much you can decorate on a budget, we spent about £20 between us and bought:
Halloween Decorations, Inc- bunting,scare tape,inflatables and fake blood hands!
2 Pumpkins
A tin of big sweets for the flat and a plastic pumpkin to hold them!
A selection of items to make cake's!
Also a little bit of face paint for my costume...(pics to follow)
And lots more, So here are some picture's of the outcome :)


And one of my outfit :) 
(Vampire if you're wondering!) 

And that's everything! Just a little inspiration for next halloween if you're on a budget you can still have fun and celebrate! Will make sure I post the christmas one a little sooner next time! 
Thank's for reading, Let me know what you think!

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Fashion Promotion and Imaging

Hello again! 
Just a little post to celebrate finishing my first unit at university! Had to give a 5 minute presentation today on my chosen brand for the project which I think went well so now to have a nice relaxing week off at home! We had to create a future concept for our chosen brands, mine was Kenzo. There's a few examples of my work below so take a look if you're interested and let me know what you think! 
Personally I think it's a great idea and would work perfect for Kenzo's target audience! 

Heritage Mood-board Kenzo
Kenzo moodboard- InDesign

Editorial campaign, Kenzo By Mav

Kenzo mood-board- future concept

Kenzo Beauty- Future Mood-board

Anyway, I'm glad to be done with that assignment and I start my next rotation next monday starting with Imaging! Cannot wait to start screen printing, will keep you all updated on how it goes :) 
Thanks for reading, 